Equipping the people of God for Impact in Ministry.
Impact School of Ministry desires to see all believers activating their faith for global impact.
We are a school of ministry designed to equip the disciple of Jesus Christ for the work of the ministry. Earn up to a doctorate without leaving your work, your family or your home! Impact School of Ministry exists to equip and deploy passionate disciples of Christ who boldly pursue worldwide transformation through their God-given spheres of influence.
Anointed Learning Where You Are
Every third week of the month we meet for our 10 hour class
Each class is broken up into three class times over the course of three days.
Thursday 6-9 pm
Friday 6-9 pm
Saturday 9am-1pm
One-Time Registration Fee of $50
Classes are $170 per class
At the end of each class there is an open book take home exam that each student has 14 days to complete and turn in to our school administrator. The tests are then sent off and graded.
Most classes are pre-recorded video, but live classes with in-person instruction does occur.
(If a student is inactive for 6 months they must re-register)
Each class is broken up into three class times over the course of three days.
Thursday 6-9 pm
Friday 6-9 pm
Saturday 9am-1pm
One-Time Registration Fee of $50
Classes are $170 per class
At the end of each class there is an open book take home exam that each student has 14 days to complete and turn in to our school administrator. The tests are then sent off and graded.
Most classes are pre-recorded video, but live classes with in-person instruction does occur.
(If a student is inactive for 6 months they must re-register)
impact school of ministry class schedule
January 16-18th, 2025: The Nature, Essence and Attributes of God by Dr. Mike Chapman (BT108)
This course explores the Christian doctrine of God, with an emphasis on an apology for God's existence, the biblical description of his nature and divine essence.
Title - The Knowledge of the Holy
Author - A.W. Tozer
Click HERE to order.
February 20-22nd 2025: Biblical Sexuality in the 21st Century By Rev. Jayson L. Graves (CC665)
A biblically ‘sex-positive’ look at God’s model of sexuality, its design, meaning, purpose and challenges therein.
Title - Theology Of The Body For Beginners
Author - Christopher West
March 20-23rd 2025: The Lord’s Prayer by Dr. Ronald Cottle (NT636)
A study of the prayer Jesus taught His disciples to pray. Emphasis is placed upon the overall purpose of prayer. Each petition is analyzed for its deepest meaning and application for today.
Title: With Christ In The School Of Prayer
Author: Andrew Murray
April 17-19th 2025: Biblical Discipleship by Dr. Greg Hinnant (PT545) -Live Class
This will be a live class with Dr. Greg Hinnant joining us in person so don't miss it! In this course we will study major spiritual disciplines that make up the lifestyle of a true Christian and enable the Holy Spirit to transform one into a "disciple indeed." The course willl help the student prepare for the appearing of Jesus Christ.
Title - Walking in His Ways
Author - Greg Hinnant
May 15-17th 2025: iParent (A Theology of Parenting) by Dr. Lon Flippo (CC410)
“A Theology of Parenting” is designed for Christian parents, grandparents, children’s ministry staff and everyone who wants to positively impact this emerging generation.
Title - iParent - Parenting Prodigals and Children in the 21st Century
Author - Dr. Lon Flippo
June 19-21 2025: Seven Basic Principles in the Marketplace by Dr. William Crum (PT507)
Understanding and demonstrating the biblical business principles you need to be successful in your marketplace or sphere of influence. A practical application of God's principles concerning success in the marketplace. God's principles work!
Title - Much More Than A Job
Author - Dr. W. Paul "Buddy" Crum
July 17-19th 2025: Applied Hermeneutics: The Ministry of the Word - Dr. William Charles. Suttles (BT547)
This course outlines the methods of bringing God’s Word to others through preaching and teaching. It explores the ways in which the word we preach and teach becomes the Word of God. It also examines the necessary preparation of the minister and of the hearer and investigates the process by which true ministry takes place.
Title - The Ministry of God's Word
Author - Watchmen Nee
ISBN 9780935008289
August 21-23rd 2025: The Bible As A Whole - Dr. Duane Christensen (OT401)
The development of Scripture from the time of Moses to the death of John (96 C.E.). The structure, content and unity of the Bible is shown in terms of the ancient Jewish concept of Tanakh (=Torah + Prophets + Writings), with the Christian Bible emerging in the hands of John as the "Completed Tanakh."
Title - The Completed Tanakh: The Unity Of The Bible Within The Canonical Process
Author - Dr. Duane Christensen
September 18-20th 2025: Davidic Worship: Tabernacle of David - Dr. Paul Harthern (OT214)
A study of the Tabernacle of David with special emphasis upon praise and worship. The student will learn how to employ and enjoy the privilege and principles of Davidic worship.
Title - Ancient Worship For A New Millennium
Author - Dr. Alvis Harthern
October 15-17th 2025: Studies in the Book of James - Dr. Charles Gaulden (NT626)
A study of the hidden pirates that attempt to rob our treasure of peace and joy. The course is based on key New Testament principles of achieving spiritual success.
Title - Hanging the Pirates
Author - Dr. Charles Gaulden
ISBN - 9780967997100
November 19-21st 2025: A New Testament Study of Grace - Dr. Larry; Linkous (BT571)
This study centers on reformation (Hebrews 9:10) and challenges the student to discard cumbersome religious irrelevances that would entangle the believer's life in old covenant law. The material provides a clear and balanced understanding of the believer’s security in light of the value God places on the blood of Jesus and the cross.
Title - Christ Is Better - Don't Go Back
Author - Larry Linkous
NOTE: To order a hard copy, please contact Gina Brasington at CLSTG Headquarters: gina.brasington@clstglobal.org or (706) 223-0886.
A Partnership with CLST Global
CLST Global is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that provides leadership and educational resources to train church leaders, pastors, missionaries and evangelists in local churches and communities. The staff of CLST Global provides educational resources to members of the Christian Life Educator’s Network (CLEN), a nonprofit community of churches and organizations that operate Bible and Theology schools.
CLST Global strives to be the premier global provider of Christian higher education programs and resources. Their mission is to provide the best Bible, theology, ministry and leadership training resources; thereby offering quality, flexible and affordable education to students and schools globally.
CLST Global strives to be the premier global provider of Christian higher education programs and resources. Their mission is to provide the best Bible, theology, ministry and leadership training resources; thereby offering quality, flexible and affordable education to students and schools globally.
- Quality. A commitment to providing the very best Christian higher education resources and programs from the best instructors.
- Flexibility. A commitment to provide customizable education solutions for every local church, ministry and student.
- Affordability. A commitment to keeping costs low while providing a source of funding for participating programs.
Contact the Dean of Students Jade Leslie.
We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.
Chancellor of School: Don Vess
Dean of Students: Jade Leslie
Administrator: Karen Allen
Assistant Chancellor: Jeremy Vess
Advisor: Ken Koontz
Advisor: Kay Koontz
Advisor: Mike Robinson
Advisor: Becki Vess
Dean of Students: Jade Leslie
Administrator: Karen Allen
Assistant Chancellor: Jeremy Vess
Advisor: Ken Koontz
Advisor: Kay Koontz
Advisor: Mike Robinson
Advisor: Becki Vess